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2008.09- 2012.06 betway必威,植物科学与技术专业,农学学士;

2012.09- 2017.06 中国农业大学,作物遗传育种专业,农学博士(硕博连读);

2017.09-至今:betway必威 讲师。





1. 小麦叶色突变体的遗传分析及定位,河北省自然科学基金青年基金项目,6万元,202001-202212,课题主持人。

2. 小麦穗部蜡质抑制基因Iw3的精细定位,betway必威引进人才科研专项,10万,201709-202209,课题主持人。

3. 我国强筋小麦优质源品质形成的遗传基础、调控机制及育种应用,国家自然科学基金面上项目,58万元,202201-202512,第二参加人。


1.刘桂茹、王睿辉、耿妙苗. 小麦,河农072,河北省农作物品种审定委员会,冀审麦202100001


1. Geng M, Zhang J, Peng F, Liu X, Lv X, Mi Y, Li Y, Li F, Xie C*, Sun Q*. Identification and mapping of MLIW30, a novel powdery mildew resistance gene derived from wild emmer wheat. Molecular Breeding, 2016, 36:130

2. 延荣,耿妙苗,李晓静,安浩军,温树敏,刘桂茹,王睿辉.河北省小麦品种和种质资源抗白粉病鉴定与抗病基因分子标记检测[J].植物遗传资源学报,2020,21(03):683-705.(共同通讯)

3. Hao Z., Geng M., Hao Y. Yue, Zhang L, Wen S, Wang R*, Liu G* .Screening for differential expression of genes for resistance to Sitodiplosis mosellana in bread wheat via BSR-seq analysis. Theoretical and Applied Genetics ,2019, 132(11):3201-3221.

4. Zhang L, Geng M, Zhang Z, Zhang Y, Yan G, Wen S, Liu G*, Wang R*. Molecular mapping of major QTL conferring resistance to orange wheat blossom midge (Sitodiplosis mosellana) in Chinese wheat varieties with selective populations. Theoretical and Applied Genetics.2020;133(2):491-502.

5. Li H, Wu J, Shang X, Geng M, Gao J, Zhao S, Yu X, Liu D, Kang Z, Wang X, Wang X*.WRKY transcription factors shared by BTH-induced resistance and NPR1-mediated acquired resistance improve broad-spectrum disease resistance in wheat. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions. 2020;33(3):433-443.

6. Zhao C, Li Y, Dong H, Geng M, Liu W, Xie C* and Sun Q*. Molecular cloning, functional verification, and evolution of TmPm3, the powdery mildew resistance gene of Triticum monococcum L. Genetics and Molecular Research, 2015, 15(2).

7. Li F, Li Y, Cao L, Liu P, Geng M, Zhang Q, Qiu L, Sun Q*, Xie C*. Simultaneous Transfer of Leaf Rust and Powdery Mildew Resistance Genes from Hexaploid Triticale Cultivar Sorento into Bread Wheat. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2018,9:85.

