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2005.09- 2009.06: 河北北方学院,种子科学与工程专业,农学学士;

2009.09- 2014.06: 山东农业大学,作物栽培学与耕作学专业,农学博士;

2014.10- 2020.09: 河南省农业科学院粮食作物研究所,助理研究员;

2020.10-至今:betway必威 校聘教授,硕士生导师。


1. 本科生课程:《农业信息技术》(主讲)、《创新创业基础》(主讲).

2. 研究生课程:《农业信息学》(主讲)。


1. “石农086”等系列小麦品种及配套节水丰产增效技术示范与推广,河北省人民政府,河北省推广奖一等奖,第5完成人。


1. 黄淮海小麦-玉米(大豆)产能提升技术研发及集成示范,国家重点研发计划项目,50万元,2023-3026子课题主持人。

2. 海河平原水热限制区节水养地绿色种植制度创建及评价,国家重点研发计划项目,20万元,2023-3026子课题主持人。

3. 小额高频调亏灌溉对冬小麦根--肥分布的调控效应与水氮高效利用机制,河北省自然科学基金面上项目,6万元,2023-2025,主持人。

4. 基于冬小麦实时需求的水肥一体化调亏灌溉研究与示范,河北省重点研发计划项目,30万元,2022-2024,主持人。

5. 黄淮流域小麦玉米水稻田间用节水节肥节药综合技术方案,国家公益性行业(农业)科技项目子课题,50万元,2015-2019,子课题主持人。

6. 基于ETc节水补灌和控释掺混肥对夏玉米水氮高效利用的机理研究,国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,20万元,2017-2019,课题主持人。

7. 基于冬小麦实时需求的水肥一体化调亏灌溉研究与示范,河北省重点研发计划项目,30万元,2022-2024,主持人。


1. 谷利敏; 夏来坤; 穆心愿; 齐建双; 丁勇; 唐保军; 张君; 张凤启; 马智艳; 邢健伟 ; 一种便于作物根系取样的土柱, ZL201920764241,实用新型专利2019,


1. Baoyuan Zhang, Limin Gu, Menglei Dai, Xiaoyuan Bao, Qian Sun, Mingzheng Zhang, Xuzhou Qu, Zhenhai Li, Wenchao Zhen, Xiaohe Gu. Estimation of grain filling rate of winter wheat using leaf chlorophyll and LAI extracted from UAV images. Field Crops Research. 2024, 306:109198;

2. Limin Gu, Xinyuan Mu, Jianshuang Qi, Baojun Tang, Wenchao Zhen, Laikun Xia. Nitrogen reduction combined with ETc irrigation maintained summer maize yield and increased water and nitrogen use efficiency. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2013.14, 1180734;

3. Xiaoyuan Bao, Xiaoyang Hou1, Weiwei Duan, Baozhong Yin, Jianhong Ren, Yandong Wang, Xuejing Liu, Limin Gu, Wenchao Zhen. Screening and evaluation of drought resistance traits of winter wheat in the North China Plain. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2023.14, 1194759;

4. Xiaoyuan Bao, Xuejing Liu, Xiaoyang Hou, Baozhong Yin, Weiwei Duan, Yandong Wang, Jianhong Ren, Limin Gu, Wenchao Zhen. Single irrigation at the fourleaf stage in the spring optimizes winter wheat water consumption characteristics and water use efficiency. Scientific Reports, 2022, 12:14257;

5. Limin Gu; Tienign Liu; Jingfeng Wang; Peng Liu; Shuting Dong; Bingqiang Zhao; Hwat-Bing So; Jiwang Zhang; Bin Zhao; Juan Li; Lysimeter Study of Nitrogen losses and Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Northern Chinese Wheat, Filed Crops Research, 2016, 188: 82-95;

6. Limin Gu; Tiening Liu; Jun Zhao; Shuting Dong; Peng Liu; Jiwang Zhang; Bin Zhao ; Nitrate leaching of winter wheat grown in lysimeters as affected by fertilizers and irrigation on the North China Plain, Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2015, 14(2): 374-388;

7. Limin Gu; Peng Liu; Lijie Shao; Jingfeng Wang; Shuting Dong; Bingqiang Zhao; Hwat-Bing So; Wenyan Sun; Jiwang Zhang; Bin Zhao; A lysimeters study of Chinese wheat and maize varieties: Ⅰ. The lysimeters-rain shelter facility and the growth and water use of wheat, Soil and Tillage Research, 2014, 144: 133-140;

8. Tiening Liu; Limin Gu; Shuting Dong; Jiwang Zhang; Peng Liu; Bin Zhao; Optimum leaf removal increases canopy apparent photosynthesis, 13C-photosynthate distribution and grain yield of summer maize grown at high density, Field crops research, 2014, 170(1): 32-39.

